Thursday, August 1, 2013

Shikwa, Jawab-e-Shikwa by Allama M IQBAL Free Download

Shikwa شکوہ and Jawab-e-Shikwa جواب شکوہ or Complaint to God and its Response are poems written by well known Urdu language poet Allama Muhammad Iqbal, which were later published in his book Kulliat-e-Iqbal. Download his great book and understand what he say and his message to Muslims of the world.

The poetry of Allama Iqbal is purposive in every single sense.His verse does the employment of outfitting our hearts,he welcomes ahl-e-iman to take after the devout and noble way in his own particular excellent way which has been appointed by Allah s.w.t and the lessons of prophet Mohammad pbuh. much the same as a speaker of islam spread the charges of Allah and lessons of Muhammad (PBUH) by his speeches.Iqbal has hit the nail on the heads of strayed muslims,why on the grounds that he was so tremendously confounded and disheartened on the vagrant state of muslims who were veered off from the correct way. Allah had skilled him the force of expression as verse and he turned out to be far fantastic in his point. Achievement implies keep your spirit unadulterated and keep from ruining perusing Iqbal's verse we can refine our souls

Shikwa شکوہ

Jawab-e-Shikwa جواب شکوہ



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