Tuesday, September 10, 2013

MATLAB Basic Commands and its Explanation - MATLAB Cheet Sheet

A MATLAB Cheat-sheet

save 'file.mat'                       save variables to file.mat
load 'file.mat'                       load variables from file.mat
diary on                              record input/output to file diary
diary off                             stop recording
whos                                  list all variables currenly defined
clear                                 delete/undefine all variables
help command                          quick help on a given command
doc command                           extensive help on a given command

Defining/changing variables:
x = 3                                 define variable x to be 3
x = [1 2 3]                           set x to the 1×3 row-vector (1,2,3)
x = [1 2 3];                          same, but don't echo x to output
x = [1;2;3]                           set x to the 3×1 column-vector (1,2,3)
A = [1 2 3 4;5 6 7 8;9 10 11 12];     set A to the 3×4 matrix with rows 1,2,3,4 etc.
x(2) = 7                              change x from (1,2,3) to (1,7,3)
A(2,1) = 0                            change A2,1 from 5 to 0

Arithmetic and functions of numbers:
3*4, 7+4, 2-6 8./3                    multiply, add, subtract, and divide numbers
3^7, 3^(8+2i)                         compute 3 to the 7th power, or 3 to the 8+2i power
sqrt(-5)                              compute the square root of –5
exp(12)                               compute e12
log(3), log10(100)                    compute the natural log (ln) and base-10 log (log10)
abs(-5)                               compute the absolute value |–5|
sin(5*pi./3)                          compute the sine of 5π/3
besselj(2,6)                          compute the Bessel function J2(6)

Arithmetic and functions of vectors and matrices:
x * 3                                 multiply every element of x by 3
x + 2                                 add 2 to every element of x
x + y                                 element-wise addition of two vectors x and y
A * y                                 product of a matrix A and a vector y
A * B                                 product of two matrices A and B
x * y                                 not allowed if x and y are two column vectors!
x .* y                                element-wise product of vectors x and y
A^3                                   square matrix A to the 3rd power
x^3                                   not allowed if x is not a square matrix!
x.^3                                  every element of x is taken to the 3rd power
cos(x)                                cosine of every element of x
abs(A)                                absolute value of every element of A
exp(A)                                e to the power of every element of A
sqrt(A)                               square root of every element of A
expm(A)                               matrix exponential eA
sqrtm(A)                              matrix whose square is A

Transposes and dot products:
x.', A.'                              transposes of x and A
x', A'                                complex-conjugate of the transposes of x and A
x' * y                                dot (inner) product of two column vectors x and y

Constructing a few simple matrices:
rand(12,4)                            12×4 matrix with uniform random numbers in [0,1)
randn(12,4)                           12×4 matrix with Gaussian random (center 0, variance 1)
zeros(12,4)                           12×4 matrix of zeros
ones(12,4)                            12×4 matrix of ones
eye(5)                                5×5 identity matrix I (“eye”)
eye(12,4)                             12×4 matrix whose first 4 rows are the 4×4 identity
linspace(1.2,4.7,100)                                        row vector of 100 equally-spaced numbers from 1.2 to 4.7
7:15                                  row vector of 7,8,9,…,14,15
diag(x)                               matrix whose diagonal is the entries of x (and other
                                                                                         elements = 0)

Portions of matrices and vectors:
x(2:12)                               2nd to the 12th elements of x
x(2:end)                                                                    2nd to the last elements of x
x(1:3:end)                            every third element of x, from 1st to the last
x(:)                                  all the elements of x
A(5,:)                                row vector of every element in the 5th row of A
A(5,1:3)                                                                     row vector of the first 3 elements in the 5th row of A
A(:,2)                                column vector of every element in the 2nd column of A
diag(A)                               column vector of the diagonal elements of A

Solving linear equations:
A \ b                                 A a matrix and b a column vector, the solution x to Ax=b
inv(A)                                inverse matrix A–1
[L,U,P] = lu(A)                                                     LU factorization PA=LU
eig(A)                                                                          eigenvalues of A
[V,D] = eig(A)                                                       columns of V are the eigenvectors of A, and
diag(D)                                                                         diagonals diag(D) are the eigenvalues of A

plot(y)                               plot y as the y axis, with 1,2,3,…as the x axis
plot(x,y)                             plot y versus x (must have same length)
plot(x,A)                             plot columns of A versus x (must have same # rows)
loglog(x,y)                           plot y versus x on a log-log scale
semilogx(x,y)                         plot y versus x with x on a log scale
semilogy(x,y)                         plot y versus x with y on a log scale
fplot(@(x) …expression…,[a,b])        plot some expression in x from x=a to x=b
axis equal                            force the x and y axes of current plot to be scaled equally
title('A Title')                      add a title A Title at the top of the plot
xlabel('blah')                        label the x axis as blah
ylabel('blah')                        label the y axis as blah
legend('foo','bar')                   label 2 curves in the plot foo and bar
grid                                  include a grid in the plot
figure                                open up a new figure window
dot(x,y), sum(x.*y)                                           two other ways to write the dot product
x * y'                                the outer product of two column vectors x and y


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