Monday, August 11, 2014

Fetching Data from DATABASE in spread sheet form - SQL Server 2008

  1. Database Connection using DOT.NET
  2. Write Query
  3. Getting data in Spreadsheet form

Open you project in Visual Studio 

Click on SERVER EXPLORER and right click on DATA CONNECTION and select ADD CONNECTION in your running project

Open SQL Server 2008 and copy highlighted string

Paste COPPED string at point A, point B will become visible. 

Select Specific database from there.
I am working on gang war game so I am going to select GANG WAR GAME database
Then click OK

Select “FORM” where you want to display data in spread sheet from SQL Server 2008.

Select “DATA GRID VIEW” from ToolBox and place it on form.

Select dropdown menu where (none) has been written then select “ADD PROJECT DATA SOURCE” then click “DATABASE” and click “NEXT”

Then Select “NEXT” again

At point A there is our database which we are going to add
You can change your database using “NEW CONNECTION”
When you click on point B “+” button connection string will be shown up
Click “NEXT”

Above screen been shown up. Click “NEXT”

After that above window will be appear. Select (TICK) “TABLES” because you are going to insert TABLES. And click “FINISH”

After that all table can easily be seen. Select desired table at point B and then you can view all data at point A


Sunday, April 20, 2014

How to Install SQL Server 2008 or Later Step by Step Tutorial

Installation of SQL Server 2008 or later is very simple follow the following step and install on your laptop or computers.
If you are still unable to install, make sure all pre-requirements are fulfilled such as the installation of service pack 2.

If you are going to install SQL server express edition you must have visual studio if you are willing to install standalone SQL server then you need full version SQL Server ultimate or higher to install

Download SQL Server 2008
Double click on the installer a window  will open as follow:

From this window click on the Installation menu (See Left). Then select New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation.

After that following window will appear Click on RUN PROGRAM

After that software will take some time to perform some task. Check that all status are passed

This is express edition so its not necessary to enter Product Key. Just click Next

Check Accept and click next

Now Click Install button

Now again It needs some operation to be completed. Click Next.

Now Check All and click Next

Here we need the name and instance ID. I am selecting Default Instance but keep the name “SQLExpress” in your mind for future (when we are going to connect SQL Server at start up every time). Click Next.

Now a window will appear. Click Next.

Click Next.

Now its not necessary to enter another user if you are trying to install on your personal PC. Click Next.

Click Next

If the status contains no Error. Click Next. Otherwise click on hyperlink text "Error" under status.

Now finally it is going to start the installation. Click Install

Now wait till installation is complete. Than click Next

Close this window

Exit the setup

Now SQL Server 2008 Express Edition has been installed on your computer an ICON will be on your desktop or simply search "SQL Express 2008" on start menu.


Software Requirements and Its types (from Stakeholder)

A thing that is needed or wanted to develop a software. Basically requirements are given by stockholders or person who is involved to develop software.

Two main types from user side:
  1. User Requirements
  2. System Requirements

  • User Requirements
                  User requirement are statements in a natural language plus UML diagrams, of what system is expected to provide to system user, and the constraints under which it must operate.
In short, user requirements are totally written for user.
  • System Requirements
                  System requirements are more detailed description of software systems functions, services and operational constraints. The system requirements document should define exactly what is to be implemented. It may be part of contract between system buyer or user and software developers.
In short, system requirement is basically a contract document in which software developer wrote detailed description of services given to user. 


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Software Requirements and Its types (from Developer)

A thing that is needed or wanted to develop a software is called software requirement. Basically requirements are given by stakeholders or person who is involved to develop software.

Two main types from developer side are:
  1. Functional Requirements
  2. Non-Functional Requirements

  • Functional Requirements:

They are statement of services the system should provide, how the system reacts on a particular set of inputs and how the system should behave in particular situations. In some cases, the functional requirements may also explicitly state what the system should not do. In short, the boundaries in which we have to develop our software.

  • Non-Functional Requirements:

These are constraints on the services or functions offered by the system. They include timing constraints, constraints on the development process and constraints imposed by standards.
In short, It elaborate the performance characteristics of functional requirements. 

Unified Model Language (UML)

The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a general-purpose modeling language in the field of software engineering, which is designed to provide a standard way to visualize the design of a system.
We use this language in System Modeling which is the phase of Requirement Engineering.

Basically five ways to write model language.
  1. Activity Diagram
  2. Use Case Diagram
  3. Sequence Diagram
  4. State Diagram
  5. Class Diagram

Requirement Engineering - Its Activities

Requirements engineering refers to the process of formulating, documenting and maintaining software requirements it is the sub-field of Software Engineering.

Requirement Engineering in used when we / department develop any software. But its not necessary in every software project.

  Around 7 activities are involved in requirements engineering:
  1. Requirements inception or Requirements elicitation
  2. Requirements identification - identifying new requirements
  3. Requirements analysis - checking requirements and resolving stakeholder conflicts
  4. Requirements specification - documenting the requirements in a requirements document
  5. System modeling - writing requirements in Unified Model Language (UML)
  6. Requirements validation - checking that the documented requirements and models are consistent and meet stakeholder needs
  7. Requirements management - managing changes to the requirements as the system is developed and put into use
