The accompanying address is given by Abdur Raheem Green to tell the young what is coca cola Muslims. What they really have and what they do in this advanced society. It's somewhat long, however I trust you would appreciate understanding it. What's more, spread it. Jazakallah Khair The note closes with a couple questions, you can take a look at yourself that whether you are Coca-Cola Muslim or not........
What Coca-Cola container is??
Number 1, Carbonated water.
Number 2, Sugar.
Number 3, Color.
Number 4, Food Acids.
Numbers 5, Flavoring.
Also, obviously Cocaine or caffeine.
It's exceptionally intriguing, in light of the fact that, these days Coca-Cola is not just about coke but rather what it remains for. Coca-Cola symbolizes the American Culture. It's the way of life of realism, consumerism. It's a culture of submitting and oppressing oneself to one's own particular interests and wishes; Al Hawa-the Nafs. It's a culture that tells, keeping in mind the end goal to appreciate life and with a specific end goal to get best out of life, you ought to sustain your interests and wishes and apatite. With a specific end goal to be cheerful and fruitful it's critical to have material interests of the world. What you have a craving for doing, do it. What you have a craving for eating, eat it. The Coca-Cola symbolizes this rationality, this thought and this attitude of an emerged culture.
The impacts of Coca Cola on your life: When you drink it, you get a lift from caffeine, a lift from sugar and which closes with a burp. Not long after you feel high it takes after a descending winding. Also, keeping in mind the end goal to re-support yourself, you will have some more. So this is the truth of the general population who adore their yearnings. Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.W) stated, if the child of Adam was given a valley of gold he would crave another. Nothing would fulfil the yearnings of the children and little girls of Adam, with the exception of the tidy of his grave. The main time our longings will end is the point at which we are dead.
Keeping in mind the end goal to fulfil your enthusiastic, physical, ideological or sexual wishes, you would dependably experiment with new things and would dive deep not far off. The case, out and about of sexual fulfilment, you can go similar to swapping of spouses and inhumanity and homosexuality.
70% of the world's assets are devoured by 17% of its populace. Individuals in third world are starving, are ailing health, are trenched by dangerous ailments and are bare, yet they are sending out nourishment, elements for meds and garments. What's more, who is expanding it?? Whatever remains of the 17% of the populace. It is controlling, devouring and abusing the assets in light of the fact that the Coca-Cola Culture instructs just to fulfill the creature impulses. Furthermore, for the survival of this culture the ideological, political and efficient oppression of poor is essential.
Things being what they are, what this Coca Cola needs to do with Muslims? Why do we pick the title, "Coca-Cola Muslim Generation?"
There is a contention of thoughts, concerning the nature and the motivation behind human presence and the method for making genuine progress and fulfilment. Along these lines, we discover another idea, called Islam. It shows that the way achieving the genuine progress and joy is not by procuring material belonging or through looking for the fulfilment of wishes and desire. Or maybe the need of individual is very extraordinary. Islam shows that there is a Creator who brought this Universe into reality for a reason. Also, this brings a question... what is the reason. The Quran says It implies Allah has made us love Him.
A few people solicit, "Is that the main reason from our reality?" They have an exceptionally limit idea of worshiping. For them, venerate implies heading off to a religious landmark and playing out a few customs. However, in Islam the term Ibadah or love has a profound and rich importance. Adore in Islam is an aggregate method for living. It is something which possesses a Human being from his introduction to the world to his demise. Ibadah is everything by which Allah is satisfied, regardless of whether it's the activities of heart or appendages. The activities of the heart are love, trust, confidence, fear, trust, dependence and aims. Though the activities of appendages are supplicating, eating, self-prepping, helping, a connection amongst spouse and wives. Also, just in satisfying Allah a human finds the genuine peace and serenity.
Everything else resembles Coca-Cola, which gives impermanent fantasy satisfaction. What's more, at a degree the individual achieves the ideal point, after which the addictions quit giving fulfillment and begin hurting. What's more, individuals who discover fulfillment in satisfying Allah could get by in any fantastic condition but then, they would feel and experience a spate of satisfaction and delight. They have placed themselves in a circumstance where they've denied of those physical necessities, which they consider as obstacles amongst them and achieving the condition of euphoria and in being a genuine admirer of Allah. What's more, this belief system is an ideological and monetary risk to customer and materialistic culture. The truth of the Coca Cola culture is that they need despondent individuals on the grounds that troubled and disappointed individuals devour. They fill their lives with knickknacks like, form, music, dream of the Woods, sports, liquor, drugs, and so on.
So the Coca-Cola Muslim Generation is the blend of Islamic Ideologies and Coca-Cola Culture. They discover methods for bargaining with their religion, methods for being known as a Muslim and furthermore being a shopper. This has separated Muslims into Moderate Muslims and Fundamentalist Muslim. The Moderate Muslims are Coca-Cola Muslims. They say, "We are glad to acknowledge the idea of majority rule government, we are cheerful to acknowledge the idea of solidarity and bury blending of religions, polygamy is outdated and we are upbeat to see the freedom of ladies in this materialistic world. We appreciate music and motion pictures. We offer namaz read Quran, what's wrong on the off chance that we have sweetheart."
What happens when we shake up a container of a circulated air through drink? It turns out with an awesome constraint and what has left toward the end it the bland carafe. This is the manner by which a Coca-Cola Muslim acts. At the point when some shaking occasion happens like, 'Each Body Draw Mohammad Day' or 'Everyone Burn Quran day' or some boycott is forced on niqab in some nation, they eject like a shaken drink, however from inside, they resemble that little boring jar left at the base, returning to their own particular materialistic universes. Though a fundamentalist says, we must be genuine Muslims. We need to apply Islam to our Personal, Family, Economic and Political lives
Mohammad (S.A.W.W) said a period will come when my Ummah will control by some different forces of the world. Over this one of his sahabi asked, will the Muslims be in a less number? Mohammad SAW answered no they would be in extraordinary number, similar to froth on the ocean. Also, today there are 1.6 billion Muslims in this world, 1 out of each five individuals is a Muslim yet oppressed by western philosophies.
Questions that has been asked by Abdur Raheem Green amid Lecture:
1. Does your Imago Up and Down???
(In the event that yes, you are coca cola Muslim)
2. Do you think a man ought to have just a single spouse??
(On the off chance that yes, you are coca cola Muslim)
3. Do you think marriage is
A) Much held together by adoration or
B)it's a connection to bring a superior Muslim Ummah?
(On the off chance that A, you are coca cola Muslim)
4. Is it accurate to say that you are plan to have?
A) One or two youngsters
B)A football group??
(On the off chance that you are coca cola Muslim)
5. When you hear a speaker and you like what he says, do you get a kick out of the chance to have his signature??
(On the off chance that yes, you are coca cola Muslim)
6. Do you like to get information on recordings and tapes or do lean toward sitting with an Islamic researcher and look for and learn to learn??
(On the off chance that A, you are coca cola Muslim)
7. Is it accurate to say that you are individual from any square buster motion picture arrive??
(I f yes, you are coca cola Muslim)
8. Do you sit tight for?
A) Latest Islamic Books
B) Music CDs??
(On the off chance that B, you are coca cola Muslim)
9. Do you invest energy in perusing some design magazine??
(On the off chance that yes, you are coca cola Muslim)
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