Thursday, November 8, 2012


We have customized our milieus so radically that we must modify ourselves to exist in this new environment. Consequently our environment is fruiting us back with what we justly justify. How can we resent a life we have fashioned ourselves? Who’s to blame? Who’s to credit but us? What can we do now? How can we amend ourselves to help the environment thrive? Who can alter it, anytime we desire, but us?

Our environmental evils originate in the hubris of imagining ourselves as central nervous system or the brain of nature. We’re not the brain; we are a cancer on nature. The majesty of mountains, the serenity of nature-nothing is safe from the idiot marks of man’s passing.  We've been mis-using natural resources on a treacherously hefty level. In accumulation to that we've been polluting the environment too. It’s like blazing the candle with both ends. We've been self-centered with nature now it is our payback time. Nature is mad at us and we are too naïve to stand in front of this enormously displeased environment. Home based incentives such as consuming less factory products, and conserving natural resources as much as we can are vital to be used. We have to love nature if we want to save it.

Loin’s attack is always precarious but it gets pretty further drastic when it comes from an offended one. Escalating records of storms, tsunamis, volcano eruptions, droughts, earthquakes, typhoons, cyclones, acid rains, as well as ranging temperature and rising sea level have now turn out to be nature’s foremost strengths to avenge its spoliation. Nature is fuming now it’s tackling us like we tackled it. Mercy; we didn't do it to nature and now nature is paying us back with that same precised emotion. For gratifying nature we will have to stop polluting it further. The more we exploit nature, the more our options are abridged; in anticipation of we have only one to brawl for survival. The most difficult war is the one with one’s own personality and practice. We have to prevail this war in opposition to us. Treating home waste and burying organic waste can in some way will trim down pollution generated by our homes.

Civilization…. Wrecks the planet from sea floor to stratosphere. Pollution; rapid metropolitan life give birth to colossal chaos of pollution. It just not results as air pollution but also as environmental pollution; water pollution and noise pollution. Inner city factory’s untreated waste is perilous for environment. Leaded petrol and industrial lethal exhaust and waste leads towards air pollution. Car honks, well when you posses it you find irresistible to show it off, ensuing in undue use of horns. Factories with no sound proofing are causative of noise pollution. We have to budge our emphasis from fiscal competence and materialism towards a sustainable eminence of life and to curing of our civilization, of our people and our ecological systems.  As birds are indicators of the environment, if they are in nuisance; we know we’ll soon be in mess. We on miniature extents have to take primary initiatives ourselves. Using communal transportation, unleaded petrol and using less car horns can be a way out of this bedlam.

Other things may modify us, but we initiate and finish with folks, so if we prevent; we will be prevented. It is quite difficult to bring about a change in international or even national scenario’s i.e. THE GREEN REVOLUTION. We on small scale have to take initiatives.

               Take a stare to take your care,
Take care to keep your stare of the beautiful world around you!
We can and we will have to hoard environment whilst we can. Conservation is a state of synchronization sandwiched between men and terrain.  It’s upon us to opt between Reduce, Recycle and Reuse or Regret. Pakistani social order is a strapping one; we can plan and put into operation communal decisions in healthier mode.  We can bring about a change in neighborhood more adequately and optimistically. We could do with to design our moral standards and ethics concerning environment. They all initiate at home, for going green again. Charity begins at home. For changing world first we’ll have to amend ourselves. Taking small scale incentives can bring about changes. Bio-gardens and vegetable gardens can be premeditated in smallest of places. We can utilize our terraces, balconies, backyards, galleries or even pot plantation could be a step forward. Planting trees not just helps us environmentally but also religiously as it is sadqa-e-jaaria. Doing your preeminent of efforts and leaving rest to GOD is one of the best ibadah. Today or tomorrow we will be rewarded. A tree (our incentives) will be judged by its fruit (impact on others).

               We now must rather than customizing environment should customize ourselves. Misuse of resourses ought to be concluded now.  Preservation of water, natural gas, electricity, air, lands, gasoline and environment should be brought in to practice at least on community levels. Utilizing communal transports, recycling, treating waste and burying organic waste in soil are small practices that can be brought into daily schedule of a domicile and its members. An ideal harmony is supposed to be developed between environment and men. These are the paramount ways of bringing the livid milieu to breeze down. As our family systems are strongest compared to rest of globe it’ll be rather easy to clutch out decisions in a healthier mode. Consequently saving earth beyond doubt begins at home.

Author: Bilal Sidiqui



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